Thursday, March 30, 2006

Christmas in March

that's what it felt like last Sunday....

I was sitting in the den doing something, J was online....all in all a quiet afternoon, when I start hearing noises from the rednecks next door...not unusual to hear noises from the rednecks but it was the noises that were unusual...

so I looked out and papa redneck's truck was backed in between our houses (the houses in our neighborhoods are fairly close together on square lots with short front yards and deep backyards)....again, I think not really all that unusual - he often loads and unloads things and frequently makes ugly grease spots in our shared grass area, but then the truck started pulling forward...pretty quickly

and then a big ole azalea bush went by...

well...what the hell was that?

I went to the front door and see this...

noooo...he's not ripping up the shrubbery, is he? fact he was....and apparently not finished because he once again backs into the obviously I have my camera at this point and am fascinated with thiswhole thing - but don't want to look too obvious so I'm trying to capture the event from inside...

and I'm definately not getting the best shots (the ass crack was a complete missed opportunity) so I head outside to the back yard where I can be close and see what's happening...well, what was happening was papa wrapping a huge, shiny piece of heavy duty chain around a fairly small hydrangea (at least small on top because it's spring and just starting to sprout)...he hooks it up, gets back in the truck, takes off with bush in tow...

and all of a sudden there's a loud pop and this happens.....

water starts shooting 8 or so feet across the yard...I was stunned and trying not to get busted taking pictures and I realize J is inside missing the show, I go get her...we come back and the water is still going, there was some yelling, the truck pulls off and teenage skater boy goes running into the back yard shed...I offer my plumber's key to shut the water off...about this time, papa pulls back up and gets the water off....

"I didn't even know that faucet was there" - no shit

I stood around watching for a few minutes longer but finally went inside....

end result of the bush pulling

not only did he break the pipe but managed to dislodge some bricks as well...

notice the beer cans on the windowsill? I wasn't able to catch a shot of the skater gang snickering and making rude comments, but I loved them for a minute....

the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, can't wait to see what fun the rednecks have planned....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

soapbox post

death sucks, unexpected traumatic events suck, but what sucks even more is when there's nothing in place to protect you or your family in the event you aren't around....

EVERYONE needs a will and a living will and/or a durable power of attorney (or whatever your location calls it)...EVERYONE should discuss the issues surrounding death or incapacitating illness/injury with their significant other and family now...once something happens is NOT the time to address the who's, what's, when's, where's, and how's....

this affects all of us, gay, straight, married, single and everything in not expect your family to know what you may have wanted or to carry it out (if they do) under the worst of circumstances...make it clear by having the paperwork in place and easily accessible should the documents ever be needed...

bad shit happens all the time....things can be done when stuff is okay that make getting through the bad shit less difficult...

I get on this kick every so often and right now is's a website for folks in the US with free forms and basic advice....use it, share it, talk about this in general, it's important....


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I really like Browns

I decided to give the Inspire Me Thursday challenge a shot this week....I'm trying to branch out a little with techniques and format so the monochramatic theme seemed like a good time to experiment....and honestly, it's not so much a stretch in materials as it was color for me...I went with browns and sepias, pens & pencils- the image is a Palmetto Tree (because like 99% all other South Carolinians, I am quite fond of our state tree/flag/logo :)) - the paper is a page from the handmade journal I picked up a few weeks ago...the paper is really fibrous and soft so I'm having trouble finding the right thing to use on it...anyway....take a look at the artists who've already participated...good stuff!

more monsters

this is a set of little wooden monsters based on the classic B-horror movies I made a few years ago, I forgot all about them until J mentioned I should put up a picture for IF...they were cut out of 1/2" wood and painted with acrylics, the tallest one was about 4"....I really liked them, I need to make another fact, one of our big goals this spring is to actually get the work/dog/laundry room to a point where the saws are accessible...I miss being able to do these kinds of projects since I can't get to the scroll saw and I haven't even opened the box my christmas band saw came in....


Monday, March 27, 2006

IF - Monster

"I am the one hiding under yours stairs,
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair"
c'mon who knows what that line is from (sorry no prize for the winner - just my sincere admiration)???? my favorite song, from my favorite movie by my favorite director of all time....
Monsters scared me as a kid...anything supernatural related in fact....chalk it up to the fundie Twilight Zone, no witches (Bewitched was even off limits for the longest), no spooky stuff of any kind...being the devil's work and all....
so of course I had an irrational fear of things like, opening cabiniets or looking at graveyards or being in dark rooms...
truth be told, I slept with a light on until my early 20's.....
this drawing is all pencil - watercolor and scanned sort of weird and I think I lost some detail, but I'm really trying to do some stuff without my black pen outline....overall I liked the fact, I think I liked doing this a little too much ;)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

what is this doing in my house monday?

not only on time but early...this is my opportunity - and yours too should you choose to go there - to reveal the things that make me wonder WTF is this doing in my house?...stuff that should be thrown away, stuff that should be donated, stuff that should be put out of my misery...this week's entry says it all....

not 1 but 4 Rick Astley CD's....come on make me feel better and share yours!


Why is it so hard

to find someone to cut my hair in an acceptable way?

Okay nevermind that I go to places that charge $11.00 for a cut or that those places have been known to be inside the place I hate most in the world.....or to places that typically do blue rinses and comb-outs for the Sunday school set.....

NONE OF THAT SHOULD hair is short and it shouldn't be that complicated to make it stylish....

instead, I either get the mullet or my latest...the DracaMoe...(hey, J thought the name up especially for blog use)

it'a a cross between Bela Lugosi's classic Dracula

and Moe's (of the Stooges of course) famous style.....

ultimately that means I have Butch Patrick's haircut during his Eddie Munster days....

J say's I am exaggerating and that it's cute....she's not really objective I am hoping that with enough gel, smoke, and mirrors that I will be able to disguise my latest bad haircut until this time next month rolls around and I throw the dice again....

all I wanted was to have Natalie Portman's that so unreasonable?

Friday, March 24, 2006

I'll have an "Ugly Naked Guy"

to go please....

words I never thought I'd say until Moes came daddy would be so proud ;)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Stuff Portrait Friday - HBD to R&O!!!

Today is Kristine's birthday - she's Random & Odd and has asked for things this Stuff Portrait Friday, just for her to celebrate turning 34....and I think there's supposed to be a life lesson in there too about needing to enjoy yourself with wild abandon or nurturing your inner special something and that's good too...but mostly because it's your birthday.....

Cyber Gift...

earplugs to drown out all the noise 5 kids must make ;)...thank god my blended family happened once we were grown or there could have been 8 of us...take some time out and enjoy the silence for a few moments before reality comes crashing in :)

Three Words on Paper...

I cheated a little and request, good for you....

Dorky Face in the Mirror...

tough one, I struggled - not to be a dork but to capture it correctly

so run on over and say happy birthday!!!


Hey...Watch This!!

we are going on a short vacation the first week of May...the first one in almost 5's J's birthday (and a significant one too) we're heading to Western NC to spend 3 nites in a cabin on a creek in the woods....outstanding, yes?

among other things, we will be spending some time doing a little hiking and maybe mountain biking (I do have to remember new pedals for my bike since devil dog has eaten them over the last few months)....

we found this site last nite - NC Waterfalls - and will be plotting out some day trips based on nearby, J makes me promise, as soon as we start talking about hiking, that I won't do anything stupid while in the woods....what could she possibly be implying??? me, dangerous in the woods? where does she get this stuff? I'm wondering if I should tell her before or after I rent ATV's?...or maybe just let it be a suprise when we get there...

hey, I am completely responsible (mostly) and I do have insurance....what could happen?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Feet - Illustration Friday

this week's IF theme is "Feet"....

over the course of the weekend, that produced 3 sketches....
  1. my bare size 9's....finger-like toes and all
  2. a robot, who could be the cousin/brother to Robot from Lost in Space...and
  3. the skateboarders feet....

the skateboarders won out...why?

because our next door neighbor's (the raging rednecks) oldest son (aka Boo Radley) is now part of a skateboard gang that hangs out in front of our house....doing skater stuff...

skater stuff involves a lot of thumping, grinding, and falling...they have boards and cinder blocks and long pieces of metal that they thump, grind, and fall all over any time the weather permits...factor in some loud music and screaming from time to time and there you have the spring sounds in our neighborhood...

when we first moved in - there was a house of frat boys across the street who used any Carolina sporting event as an excuse to have a party with a thousand cars, a million people, and lots of beer....

the skaters make more noise...hands down....

we live within half a mile of a major CSX train depot and granite blasting quarry....

the skaters make more noise....without question...

I thought kids hated outside and spent all their time in front of computers playing games and accessing sites they shouldn't....what happened to that?

if there is anything positive about the rainy, cold snap we're dealing with right now (and no, it isn't really that cold in comparison to what some of you are experiencing)'s that the skaters are housebound and making noise in the comfort of their own homes...


Monday, March 20, 2006

what is this doing in my house monday?

yeah I'm late with my own imaginary game - I suck...

this week I had to ask J where this particular item see, it was a gift from the stalker who must not be named and J threatened to throw it out after the fateful McDonald's love confession last summer....she hid it instead....I guess it is time to retire the little fella but he's just so ugly, it's hard letting go....she thinks I'm weird

LJ played and denise too....both alcohol related....;) that's funny all by itself....

now, let's all think of things that shouldn't be in our houses for whatever the reason and come back next Monday to share....okay? and I'll even try to be on time!

3rd times a charm right????

Over the last 2 days, I've tried to post the whole henna tattoo experience at least 3 times....long, descriptive posts....and everytime, something has happened and I've lost the, here's the short version...

it took a really long time, but turned out pretty cool....let's see if the pictures work this time my arm right after putting the paste on

J's foot dry...

the pictures aren't all posting so screw it....I am not meant to share this experience...hopefully, by the time for real ones comes around in May, the universe will feel differently


for those gone on

and for those of us left behind...
"Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life."
John Muir
this just seems appropriate today

Thursday, March 16, 2006

stuff portrait friday - 3 C's

More crazy fun from Random and Odd, a true Flickr gansta....

The Couch - aka cat and dog bed...full size double futon too...hmmm, boots, cats, futons....anyone else see a pattern here...we would like to get something different...this is heavy and not so cushy...
p.s. this is also a cat blogging picture snuck in....

The Coat - actually the old faded jean jacket during one of the duck trips this week

The Candles....the red beaded one seemed like it should have been cooler when it burned...some of the beads seemed to shoot off once the wax started heating up...

Who played? Come on do's almost spring!

Stop by cat's place and send her some good thoughts and love too....:)


Pat Benatar and a misspent youth

we happened to catch Martina McBride and Pat Benatar's show on some cable channel last nite and I have to just say....Pat Benatar is still one of the top 3 coolest women rockers EVER!...she also has the honor of being the reason I got in about the most trouble ever as a teenager oh so many years ago...

when I was in high school (sophomore I think) she came to Columbia and me and about 10 or so other friends got tickets...somehow I convinced my parents to let us use our family van so we could all ride together...unfortunately, we started drinking Bacardi 151 and coke as soon as the doors closed (I wasn't driving and the dude who was, actually waited until we got to the parking lot of the Coliseum where she was performing before he started)....needless to say most of us were completely trashed by the time the show started....I, on the other hand, wound up way past completely trashed and ended up passed out in the bathroom (apparently unknown to my friends) for the entire show....when I woke up several hours later, the place was dark and empty....I managed to get out of the building without setting off any alarms and across the street to the van with still no sign of my gang....long story short, my friends called my parents since they couldn't find me, dad flipped out and had already been to the parking lot and removed the distributor cap in case I showed up, he and my mom pulled up just as my friends did and a big ole screaming match proceeded to take place....I didn't see daylight for a is truly a wonder I didn't get thrown into military school after that little adventure...

but most importantly....Pat Benatar is still hot!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

to hell for tires

Lady Blue - our 1987 Sentra - had a flat today...not a big off to WM for some cheap replacements....if everyone isn't clear on this let me say it again....

it makes me nervous and freaky and I hate it...but for a car we only spent a grand on, why would we even consider spending lots of money on tires?...especially since we've been bleeding money this week that we weren't planning on spending - ain't that the way it always is??
so the associate initially helping us walked off mid transaction because she HAD to go to break right that minute...the dude that came up after she left with no explanation was not pleasant, J almost got run over by a rampaging trash guy and they were basically all out of St. Patrick's day decorations....I won't even go into the condition of the bathrooms or the screaming child that pinched her finger in the door....we did, however, score some snazzy $1.97 flip flops which evened out the experience along with the fact that 2 new tires really do make a difference....
Big Daddy Walton can rest peaceful in his eternal slumber knowing that the masses are now forever at his mercy....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

more tattoos - Mehendi

while J was playing online last nite, looking at cabins in NC for her birthday trip, I decided to do something in a sketchbook I picked up a few weeks ago....and the mehendi/henna decorated hand really seemed like a good fit for the handmade paper and sepia pens....
I got J a henna kit for Valentines and we still haven't had a chance to play with it....I'm thinking this weekend sounds like a fairly long process start to finish
for more on the mehendi process go here

whatisthisdoinginmyhouseMonday? - on Tuesday

so, it's my imaginary game and I can play however I want right?

this week's item is truly one of those things that annoys me to no end - a 20+ year old Zenith console has lived in every house we have, J brought it into the relationship almost 16 years ago and we've maybe used it a total of 12 times in all those years....

exchange that occurs on a regular basis regarding the monster...

me - "honey, isn't it time to let this go?"

J - "absolutely not, all of the other TVs in the house might spontaneously combust and this might be the only one left could happen...and Uncle Johnny just replaced those bad tubes 12 years ago, it's as good as new"

me - "oh okay....btw are the aliens talking to you in the car again?"

notice the string from a winter coat stored on top of it

notice the lovely brown plastic and LED channel display

notice the lovely wood grain and quilted sham cover

good grief, it irritates me just looking at the pictures ;).....denise shared some weirdness....anybody else?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Ducks and more ducks!

waiting to see the ATC's
Originally uploaded by nuthinfancy.
I mailed my ATC's for 29,000 Floating Ducks this morning!!!!.....and if anyone else is interested in trading let me know...I have some canvas left over and could easily do another fact I enjoyed the whole card process so much, I'm thinking it would be fun in general to do a different set entirely....

and while we're talking about ducks.....Toni hipped us to a Flickr group - The Duck Project - that is trying to get pictures of rubber ducks in cities all over the world....check it out, get your own official project duck and start sending those pictures in.....I've decided I should travel with mine more often and did just that this morning....and have set up my own Flickr set with my duck's travel shots....see? I swore I was goofing off this afternoon Erin ;)....

so what is it with the ducks? I smell guerilla art project....really read this article/post, great idea I've been mulling over since I read it a month or so ago....

IF - Tattoo

So....we've got a tattoo shop, the tattooed dude and the tattoo artist....flash on the, autoclave...light, gloves....that about covers it I think...

This is the first thing I've drawn in over a week...where does the time go?


Saturday, March 11, 2006

sorry ass blogger....

among other things, that's what I've been this week...I absolutely hate when my real life interferes with my online life and by god I've actually had to work a whole bunch at my job this week...

no illustration friday, no stuff portrait friday, no cat blogging even and most annoying I haven't picked up my sketchbook or anything remotely resembling art supplies in over a week...

I have, however, cleaned up a ton of clutter this morning and taken it to the auction so someone else can deal with the junk....and I did get the canopy replaced outside, the grill and chimnea are clean for tonite and it's warm outside....not bad really

in fact, overall I feel pretty damn if I can catch up on reading all of my RSS feeds and actually write a couple of posts I'll be excellent....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

guest art

I wanted to share some guest art this morning....great stuff that makes me smile :)

I let Hannah draw a picture in my sketchbook last weekend...this is her and her dog Booga...she's 6 (almost 7) great hair, huh?

this is something she made for us - I'm calling it the "Love Bug"

and this is the first 29,000 Ducks ATC....Toni made it and it was pretty exciting to open! Who knows, maybe I'll get mine finished and in the mail soon....and if I keep saying that maybe it will actually happen?????

FYI - a little background info on Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)

early mornings

I'm not a good morning person....more accurately I'm not a good right after I wake up person regardless of the time....but I do appreciate having some solitude in the mornings (usually from 5-ish until 6:30-ish)....from the time J leaves until I start getting ready for work...

It give me time to wake up, drink coffee, catch up online....sort of slowly ease into the day

Sometimes I feel like I should be more productive during this time, maybe wash the dishes or throw some laundry in, but mostly I cherish it for the selfish nobody but me time that it has turned into...

I don't like to think I'm selfish - overall I really don't think life is all about me for the most part....but as early as it is, these 90 or so minutes each day...when it's quiet outside and there aren't any skateboarders thumping on the street under our noses or people asking for things or decisions waiting to be made....this time is all mine.

Monday, March 06, 2006

what is this doing in my house monday???

kinda late with my imaginary game....2 things this week....
First...the can of ash from Mt. St. Helens eruption in 1980....I've had this since right around the time it happened, but I have no idea where it came from...I've never been there, never even been to that side of the country and I can't for the life of my figure out why I have this...I've been tempted over the years to open it to see what's actually in the can...sounds like dirt...according to the label it's sure to become a collectible....that must be why I've held onto it

Second....and this one is actually pretty my most recent auction maybe should have been a post all by first when I saw it on the table (from a distance without my glasses) I thought it was some funky crucifix.....

then I realized what she was......

feel free to share some weirdness you can't bear to part with and make sure to let me know so I can come look :)


Sunday, March 05, 2006

home :)

from the visit to see the new babies (J's nieces in GA both had babies within the past month for those keeping score)...

babies are the best, they smell good, they feel nice to hold, and then they learn to talk...

I love our (great)niece H...more than anything :)

but she's mouth, disrespectful, too clever for her own good...

lots of admirable qualities normally, but not in a 6 year old...

okay we did play a big part in those formative years and continue to do so, but I'm sure this isn't our fault ;)....hopefully they'll get to come up in a couple of months and visit here...H was planning her spring break itenirary when we were leaving....oh boy :)

here's some of the pictures - and I've got some to scan tomorrow so be prepared for more mushy baby and visit pictures for at least another day or so.....

Friday, March 03, 2006

stuff portrait friday

courtesy of Kristine at Random and Odd - feel free to jump in and share your stuff, just let everyone know you played so we can come look!

your favorite jeans

gap button fly boot cut - actually not my most favorite, my most favorite are a pair of 501's that are literally falling apart...but these are close....and as an added bonus this is a butt shot

birthmark, mole or freckles

I always kinda liked the mark on the back of my right hand....

your photo albums & where you store them

this is one of the great mysteries of our house right now....where things are....if they aren't in plain sight they must still be packed from the move 2 1/2 years this may not actually be the box(es) but they can't be far....and we really do have tons of albums...I actually have one (some damn where) from my grandmother side of the family with stuff back to the 1910's and 20's - I need to find that one especially so I can use it for this ambitious, yet to be started project - someday, really ;)

who played? I need distracting for a little while before we hit the road to Georgia.


Thursday, March 02, 2006


that's what I am...

I do not want to travel to Georgia isn't that I don't want to see everybody (J's family) I just don't want to travel....and it makes me anxious...

I miss the nieces and hate we weren't there for Jobe's birth (cause we really should have been) but I just don't want to go...

it's my issue and it's stupid...I'm not sure if it's going back or the travelling itself or the idea of being around so much family in such a concentrated time, but I am not feeling any love and I haven't slept much this week, haven't eaten right, and I wish they were coming here...

maybe I'll let H guest blog on Saturday since she seems to be the primary member of the family online these days...

I'm sure I need medication

Illustration Friday - TEA

late with an entry this week....and it's not so exciting in my opinion....

as you all may be aware....I'm a southerner (maybe even with some redneck tendencies) tea can only mean one thing to me...

sweet, iced tea....(even though I really prefer unsweet most of the time)

not just a summer drink by any means, but what I wouldn't give to be on a beach, under an umbrella, sipping a big glass...

or I suppose this could be long island iced tea which is not tea at all and a different post entirely...