Christmas in March
I was sitting in the den doing something, J was online....all in all a quiet afternoon, when I start hearing noises from the rednecks next door...not unusual to hear noises from the rednecks but it was the noises that were unusual...
so I looked out and papa redneck's truck was backed in between our houses (the houses in our neighborhoods are fairly close together on square lots with short front yards and deep backyards)....again, I think not really all that unusual - he often loads and unloads things and frequently makes ugly grease spots in our shared grass area, but then the truck started pulling forward...pretty quickly
and then a big ole azalea bush went by...
well...what the hell was that?
I went to the front door and see this...

noooo...he's not ripping up the shrubbery, is he? fact he was....and apparently not finished because he once again backs into the obviously I have my camera at this point and am fascinated with thiswhole thing - but don't want to look too obvious so I'm trying to capture the event from inside...

and I'm definately not getting the best shots (the ass crack was a complete missed opportunity) so I head outside to the back yard where I can be close and see what's happening...well, what was happening was papa wrapping a huge, shiny piece of heavy duty chain around a fairly small hydrangea (at least small on top because it's spring and just starting to sprout)...he hooks it up, gets back in the truck, takes off with bush in tow...

and all of a sudden there's a loud pop and this happens.....

water starts shooting 8 or so feet across the yard...I was stunned and trying not to get busted taking pictures and I realize J is inside missing the show, I go get her...we come back and the water is still going, there was some yelling, the truck pulls off and teenage skater boy goes running into the back yard shed...I offer my plumber's key to shut the water off...about this time, papa pulls back up and gets the water off....
"I didn't even know that faucet was there" - no shit
I stood around watching for a few minutes longer but finally went inside....
end result of the bush pulling

not only did he break the pipe but managed to dislodge some bricks as well...

notice the beer cans on the windowsill? I wasn't able to catch a shot of the skater gang snickering and making rude comments, but I loved them for a minute....
the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, can't wait to see what fun the rednecks have planned....