Wednesday, April 12, 2006

everything seems to be

annoying me right now...not in a make me angry way or in a manic overwhelming way....just in a normal I have no patience way...

things, people, work, news, family, animals, talking,'s just all potentially irritating...and sometimes I have a tendency to snap...maybe answer a little too shortly or tune out and get busted for not listening...which is worse? being rude or distant? I'm not really in a bad mood just teetering...

so, J's mother's birthday was today (her 70th)...we took her out to eat, went back to the house, had cake, opened presents and she managed to talk about every possible thing that rubs me the wrong, immigration, money, her funeral arrangements....blah blah blah....

Easter Sunday with my family and J's mom and brother may push me over the conspicuous would ear plugs be? I did find a great tie-dye t-shirt I'm planning to wear for lunch and I think I'll dye my hair too...maybe pull out the nosering...and there's the CO2 tatto gun we have for one of the nieces and her crazy brothers...oh, and the yeah, there's some sport to be had afterall...I have to keep reminding myself of that...

and there's the Catholic Church art trip on Friday morning...let's not forget that...a big pool of plexi-glass blood in front of the white marble alter with shadow flames bouncing around the walls has to be good...hopefully, we'll be able to fit at least one other in (Ebeneazer???)

okay, enough of is know the rest....I'll close with one of the irritating wolf dogs...he's cute though so that helps with the terrible whining and yelping :)