Friday, May 25, 2007

Neighborhood Kids


School got out this week and the teenagers next door (Redneck spawn) can stay up much later with their herd of friends, skateboarding on the street in front of our house...

I've mentioned the skateboarders before...a pack of 13 year old boys (led by Boo Radley) that started congregating a few years that pack has at least doubled because the little sister (Lolita) and her friends are now old enough for the boys to take notice and they appear to have attracted a gang of their own...

So for the next 3 months we will have our own SC version of the X-games (except they aren't good) until 11:00 pm each would go on past 11, but that's usually when I go out on the front steps in my underwear and start yelling at them to go home...nobody wants to see or hear that....

I think year round school is way overdue...with uniforms and haircuts for them all.