Here's the truth
I have no interest in getting gay married...
none, zero, nada...
In general, the whole idea of marriage to me is unappealing...the ceremony, the process, the crowds - I get chills just thinking about it...
Getting married was never a childhood fantasy, I've never felt as though I've missed out on something by not doing it and I sure don't need the anxiety and stress that that sort of event would certainly bring...and btw my significant other feels exactly the same way...I also think being bound by the connotations and rituals associated with the institution of marriage itself takes the whole radical, subversive element out of our queerness...sort of a gay Kryptonite in my opinion...if we're gonna call it something let's not get stuck on the one word that drives the thumpers to the polls...
That said, we've been together longer than many straight married couples and would love to have our relationship legally recognized in order to take the hassle out of the things we have to do in order to protect ourselves that our het counterparts take for granted.
I've been reminded of that recently because of a situation involving our doctor's office and although I understand the legalities of the situation as it is, I resent having to go through the extra steps...
I just don't have the patience for it anymore...
I also don't have the patience for long pauses from the office staff when I refer to J as my partner...I'm convinced it's always just long enough for Help Me Jesus to run through their minds (little do they know he's busy on the PGA tour)...
So I'll be delivering a medical power of attorney for us both that will probably look something like this...(I'd actually like it to be a little gayer)
My clever homo stationary really wouldn't have the same effect if we were all legal and stuff, now would it?
And to be clear, I don't begrudge anyone - straight, gay or however you choose to identify - the right to recognize their relationship in whatever form makes them happy, but until there's some legal substance to the process, it's just not my thing....
However, J and I will be holding a Living in Sin Anniversary Party at our next big milestone in a couple of years....everyone's invited.
none, zero, nada...
In general, the whole idea of marriage to me is unappealing...the ceremony, the process, the crowds - I get chills just thinking about it...
Getting married was never a childhood fantasy, I've never felt as though I've missed out on something by not doing it and I sure don't need the anxiety and stress that that sort of event would certainly bring...and btw my significant other feels exactly the same way...I also think being bound by the connotations and rituals associated with the institution of marriage itself takes the whole radical, subversive element out of our queerness...sort of a gay Kryptonite in my opinion...if we're gonna call it something let's not get stuck on the one word that drives the thumpers to the polls...
That said, we've been together longer than many straight married couples and would love to have our relationship legally recognized in order to take the hassle out of the things we have to do in order to protect ourselves that our het counterparts take for granted.
I've been reminded of that recently because of a situation involving our doctor's office and although I understand the legalities of the situation as it is, I resent having to go through the extra steps...
I just don't have the patience for it anymore...
I also don't have the patience for long pauses from the office staff when I refer to J as my partner...I'm convinced it's always just long enough for Help Me Jesus to run through their minds (little do they know he's busy on the PGA tour)...
So I'll be delivering a medical power of attorney for us both that will probably look something like this...(I'd actually like it to be a little gayer)
And to be clear, I don't begrudge anyone - straight, gay or however you choose to identify - the right to recognize their relationship in whatever form makes them happy, but until there's some legal substance to the process, it's just not my thing....
However, J and I will be holding a Living in Sin Anniversary Party at our next big milestone in a couple of years....everyone's invited.
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