Lucy the drama dog

I mentioned a while back that Lucy - the biggest dachshund in the world - was a drama queen....for those of you that don't know Lucy, well...she's tremendous....she came from a doxie rescue group and was supposed to be 2+ and under 25 lbs...LOL, she was neither...she's a good 35 - 40 lbs of pure muscle and she couldn't have been more than a year old when we got she's about 5 now....there's no way Lucy is pure dachshund...maybe mixed with Rot or Shepherd or some big freaking hound but whatever the mix....she just looks like a dachshund on steroids...with the personality of a 4 lb. lapdog....
Over the years, Lucy has never had any real health issues (knock on wood) but because she is big and a little clumsy she does on occasion smack into something and then proceeds to act as if she is dying....

I forgot to mention the fact that Lucy is a talker...nonstop if left to her own devices...and it's a combination sound of bloodhound yodel and dachshund fact Lucy may be a great reason to audio blog ;) a week or so ago, Lucy slipped (we have hardwood floors) chasing Scout out the door or something and my god, we were afraid a big dog leg was going to be laying on the floor in a bloody puddle, no injuries thankfully but the hysterics went on as long as we were paying attention....literally, the minute we stopped touching or talking the howling and crying would start again....and this isn't an isolated incident, Lucy will milk the last drop of sympathy out of any situation...I know we're bad mothers for laughing at her....but it's funny
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