Sunday, October 15, 2006

I love the fair

twister cars

I always have...I get excited about it coming every year...when we lived in Atlanta we went to a few county fairs and the really big fair in Perry, but this fair is still my favorite...

Yesterday we went fairly early...didn't have to stand in line at the gate...enjoyed looking at the exhibits...picked out a bag of bulk candy...saw the livestock...ate just enough fair food...took about a million pictures...did some quality people watching and got some cotton candy and carmel corn to go...just a perfect day...

Perfect enough that I didn't even mind going to my family gathering this afternoon...perfect enough that I am not stressed out over seeing my crazy mother's picture in the paper...and perfect enough that I am not going to be bothered by the way my father drops major news (usually regarding his or my stepmother's health - or like today - both) in the middle of lunch...

nope it was a good, good day