
yesterday was March 1st and I had to cut the grass for the first time....
actually it was mostly clover, regardless of required cutting.....
as usual my trusty, little, hand-me-down mower cranked right up and my redneck neighbor helped me patch a few spots in our fence...
not that his giant dog (or 2 smaller ones) had anything to do with those holes, but that's another story entirely.....

my point? seems wayyyyyyyyy tooooooo eaaaarllllyyyyy to be doing that sort of yard work...

at least I can recline on the bench in the fort and enjoy this view after I'm done...
edited to add in my defense....the area the lawnmower is on, is a patch near the house that gets little sun and is constantly under attack by the dogs...there is a lush blanket of green covering the rest of the back yard under normal circumstances
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