Christmas Meme to pass the time

tagged by Rosanne at Smokey Mountain Breakdown
“When people say ‘Christmas’ you immediately think…”
baking....lots of's something J and I have been doing every year since we got together...this was an especially busy baking season
“Favourite Christmas memory…”
the night time parades downtown when we were kids....Main St. was still a primary shopping location and all the department stores had fancy decorated in particular had giant choir boys on top of the canopy over the front was a magical place
“Favourite Christmas song/carol…”
Christmas Time's a Coming I love Emmylou's version, but Ricky Skaggs does a good one too
and as for traditional songs I've always been a sucker for a pretty arrangement of What Child is This? (Greensleeves)
“Favourite Christmas movie…”
hmmmm.....I'm not sure....I have to see all the claymation animated ones each year....especially The Year Without Santa Claus....does that count
“Favourite Christmas character…”
“Favourite Christmas ornament/object…”
I have lots of favorite ornaments....from a sentimental standpoint I'd have to say the one I gave J when we were dating...awwwwwww
“Plans for this Christmas…”
lunch with J's mom and brother tomorrow, lunch and presents at my dad's on Christmas day and then we leave immediately for a mini vacation at the beach :))))
“Is Christmas your favourite holiday?”
no, I'd go with Halloween as my favorite
feel free to steal this and meme away!
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